Business Excellence Consulting
Leading Edge Methodologies

What is Complexity?

Complexity affects everything we do and increases our chance of 
					mistakes… The simpler the better!

Few would disagree with the old adage “If it can go wrong it will go wrong”. Most organisations work hard at fixing the things that go wrong, and it is ‘best practice’ to proactively eliminate ways in which things can go wrong and control those aspects we can’t, using tools such as FMEA.

Collectively, these actions define the ‘Capability’ of a product, process or service, ie. an indicator of how good it is at ‘getting it right’. However, each product, process or service has many aspects and each of them is an opportunity for failure. These are also known as ‘Opportunities For Defects’ (OFDs). The more OFDs you have, the higher the chance that you will make mistakes.

Complexity must be managed. It’s easy to say “Simplify it!” But, in order to simplify products, services and processes, ‘Variety’ must be also be taken into account. Variety is variation that is required by the customer, so the goal is to reduce complexity and increase capability whilst maximising variety.

Complexity projects are typically major, as complexity is governed by:

  • product or service design
  • variety required
  • the design / configuration of the processes

As such, these projects typically involve the whole organisation

Note: Variety Management is part of our Design services, Complexity is also included in our DFSS services

Why we get results

  • We have enormous experience analysing, training, coaching and facilitating Complexity Management
  • We’re practical and pragmatic - our focus is always on getting results (we’re practitioners - not just trainers!)
  • We tailor our services and approach to meet your needs
  • Please contact us to discuss your requirements

Capability Development

The level of capability development is an important factor in Strategic and 'Total Immersion' deployments

Stages of Capability Development: Training; doing supported by coaching; Community infra-structure development

Stages of Capability Development: Training; doing supported by coaching; Community infra-structure development
  • Training provides knowledge, but real understanding is only developed by doing
  • We offer a range of coaching services, to guide capability development and ensure that results are achieved
  • Beyond having people that can do, you’ll need your own, sustainable, support structure to ensure the continued growth and success of your capability - we’ll help you create, or develop, your infra-structure to achieve this

Please contact us to discuss your requirements

Next Steps

We’d be glad to provide more details, or discuss your requirements with you. Please contact us